Bengkel Pemantapan Portal JPedia dan JCoP Bil. 3/2019 yang melibatkan 20 orang peserta dari pelbagai pejabat telah diadakan di CREaTE pada 29 dan 30 Ogos 2019. Program anjuran bersama CREaTE dan Unit ECKM, Cawangan Perancangan Aset Bersepadu dikendalikan oleh Sr
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Why Employees Don’t Share Knowledge with Each Other
Companies want employees to share what they know. After all, research has found that this leads to greater creativity, more innovation, and better performance, for individuals, teams, and organizations. Yet despite companies’ attempts to encourage knowledge sharing (think of those open office spaces),
Continue readingHow Microsoft Builds a Sense of Community Among 144,000 Employees
Background As organizations become increasingly global, and remote, human connection and cohesiveness is deteriorating. For many leaders, walking around the office, greeting newcomers, and connecting with people is no longer an option. Getting together in person to discuss pressing matters
Continue readingPenganjuran Program Seminar KCoNNect2019 di Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia
Seminar KCoNNect2019 telah berlangsung pada 28 Ogos 2019 bertempat di Suruhanjaya Sekuriti Malaysia, Bukit Kiara. Program yang mengumpulkan seramai 200 orang pengamal pengetahuan ini menyediakan platform perkongsian pengetahuan dan pengalaman mengenai inisiatif Communities of Practice dan Pengurusan Pengetahuan amnya. Dengan
Continue readingHow A Large Software Company Engages Employees In Communities
This blinded case study focuses on a large software company that wanted to improve the flow of knowledge between its product groups and the rest of the organization and give employees fast access to relevant updates. The company developed a
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Sesi Pembentangan Projek KM Program Pensijilan Pengurus Pengetahuan Bertauliah (Certified Knowledge Manager) 2019 telah berlangsung pada 15 Julai 2019. Program yang diadakan di Menara Kerja Raya dipengerusikan oleh Ir Wan Ibrahim Wan Yusoff, Pengarah Pusat Kecemerlangan Kejuruteraan dan Teknologi (CREaTE)
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